Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Christian Brother's Bamboo School Near Sangklraburi In Western Thailand

Two hill tribes from Myanmar, the Mon and the Karen, come across the border at Three Pagodas Pass. The work in the sewing shops and rubber factory. Technically they are illegal aliens in Thailand, but as long as they stay close to the border the Thais allow it. But their children have no schools.

The Christian Brothers found this Bamboo School started by a local Thai lady. She was overwhelmed and they agreed to take over and expand the school. The school is nestled right up against the border on Thai government land. The is no electricity, and so the Brothers are building a more substantial school not too far away.

In November of last year the Karen militia and the Myanmar government army had several firefights. As a result the 300 kids stayed at the school or at the teachers' houses for a month. Some of their parents also fled onto Thailand. The only place the school could provide for them to sleep was in the jungle or in the chicken coop. Local Thais provided blankets.

This picture shows one of the classrooms. The music class was helping these Myanmar kids to be absorbed into Thai society by teaching them the Thai language and the national anthem.

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