Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Little Monk

All Burmese Buddhists become monks and live in a monastery for some period of time. Typically this is done when they are young. Many also return upon the death of a parent, or for periods of reflection. Some remain for life.

This boy is about 12. As with all monks, he takes his begging bowl to the streets and local residents donate rice, money, and some other food.

He showed us the complicated process of wrapping his robe. Truly, one size fits all.

His bowl must have weighed nearly 10 pounds. It was full of cooked rice. On the lid he had even collected some miniature candy bars. Commonly the monks don't touch donated money. The person giving the money puts the cash in a small pot which is also on the lid of the bowl.

The monks do not say thank you for the donations. Buddhists believe that it is their duty to make the donations and that by accepting the gifts, the monk has allowed the giver to do a necessary good deed.

The anti-government riots of a few years ago were started when donations were made to begging monks by those allied with the dictatorship. The monks turned their bowls upside down, thus dumping the donations on the street.

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